open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to identify the types of self-development motivation based on self-determination theory and to examine the relations of self-development motivation to innovation behavior and job engagement. Also, this study examined the moderating roles of transformational and transactional leadership on the relationships between self-development motivation and innovation behavior and job engagement. Data were obtained from 225 employees who are working in various types of organizations. The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that self-development motivation consists of intrinsic motivation, identified motivation, introjected motivation and external motivation. The results of correlation analyses showed that intrinsic motivation, identified motivation and introjected motivation were positively significantly related to innovation behavior and job engagement. Intrinsic motivation had the highest correlation with innovation behavior and job engagement. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that transactional leadership moderated the relations of extrinsic motivation to innovation behavior and job engagement. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
This research tried to investigate the effects of network position on the cooperative behavior, focusing on the mediating role of organizational identification as a network mechanism. Compared to other researches, this study distinguished the type of network into friendship network and advice network. In a study of two student orchestra organization samples (N=37+66=103) we revealed two interesting findings. First, contrary to other studies, the indegree centrality in friendship network does not have significant effects on the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), while the indegree centrality in advice network has positive and significant effects on the OCB. This result suggests that it is the advice network that intrigues the cooperative behavior in the temporal network organization setting such as TV production team, and orchestra team while the friendship network does not. Second, organizational identification completely mediated the link between the indegree centrality in advice network and OCB. That is, a person, who occupies the central position in the advice network, highly identified oneself with one’s organization, and then tends to do more cooperative behaviors. Based on these results, we can conclude that it might be important to differentiate the network type and to consider psychological linkages when explaining cooperative behavior. Moreover, practically in a project team such as TV, musical, and movie production team, cooperative behavior is intrigued by instrumental relationships, not by expressive ties, so that leaders had better encourage task-oriented communication between team members.
The goal of the present study was to investigate the relationship between derailing factors(ego-centered, manipulation, micro-management, intimidating, passive-aggressive), the dark side of leadership that makes top-level managers derail, and Big Five personality factors. Second, this study aimed to classify the executive-level managers into several subgroups based on the 5 derailing factors of personality and to investigate exploratively if there are significant differences in their Big Five personality factors among classified subgroups of executives. Third, our purpose was to investigate the relationship between derailing factors and leadership style. The 177 Korean executive sample was collected from 9 Korean companies, and they completed the GPI developed by PDI. The correlation analysis showed significant positive correlation between ego-centered among derailing factors and Big 5 factors, and significant negative correlations between both agreeableness and conscientiousness and the other four derailing factors. Result of LCA(Latent class analysis) based on derailing factors showed that three types were most appropriate to classify the executives: ‘passive-aggressive type’, ‘low-manipulation type’, and ‘high-risk type’. Finally, the relationship between ‘intimidating’ and effective task leadership rated by subordinates had an inverted U shape, and ‘intimidating’ had a significant negative relationship with effective interpersonal leadership.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the New Job Readiness Test(NJRT), a new instrument to assess psychological resources during the career transition process. In the study 1, based on Krumboltz's learning theory of career choice, constructs and factors were selected through reviews of literature, interview and web survey. After developing 182 Items based on selected factors, it was able to differentiate 171 items with 22 factors through content validity test for consultants and participants of reemployment assistance center. The 171 items were tested with 402 participants of reemployment assistance center. Based on the result of a reliability analysis and an exploratory factor analysis, finally 75 items with 15 factors were selected. In the study 2, the NJRT was administered to 385 participants of reemployment assistance center. The result of an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the 15 factor model based on 4 constructs was meaningful. In the study 3, Correlations with MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and SII(Strong Interest Inventory) supported the validity of NJRT. Finally, the implications and research limitations of this study were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which fit between individuals and the organization fit(P-O fit) were related to job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. Through convenience sampling, the respondents for this study were 226 employees in Seoul, Busan, and Incheon in South Korea. To analyze the effects of P-O fit on outcomes, this study carried out hierarchical regression analysis using squared differences() and response surface methodology using polynomial regression analysis. In the case of 'democratic' and 'team orientation' values, P-O fit was not significantly related to outcomes but only organizational values were significantly related to outcomes. In addition, considering response surface methodology and principal axis, there was additional valuable information which was not obtained simply by utilizing squared differences. The present study has a special meaning because this research tried to control the effects of personal values and organizational values and to complement response surface methodology based on Edwards & Cable(2009)'s recommendation.
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between the job stress of the private security guards, mental health and coping strategy. The subject was the 107 employees of private security company located in Seoul. They were gathered to be entrained job-specific skills in the training institute. The measurement scale for the job stress was KOSS(Korean Occupational Stress Scale) developed by Kim etc.(2005), for mental health was MMPI-2(Minnesota Multiphasic Psychological Inventory-2) and for coping strategy was the Coping Checklist developed by Folkman & Lazarus(1985). The results of the study were as follows : First, The physical environment, job demand and insufficient job control were perceived high level as the job stressors among the private security guards. Second, overall job stress level were positively correlated with psychosomatic symptoms and interpersonal conflict represented as the increased scores of Hs(Hypochondriasis), D(Depression), H(Hysteria), Pd(Psychopathic Deviate), Si(Social Introversion) scale of MMPI-2. Third, There were significant correlations between Ma(Hypomania) and Problem solving, Wishful Thinking, Emotion-Focused coping. And D(Depression), Pd(Psychopathic Deviate), Pa(Paranoia) scale had significant correlations with Problem solving, Seeking social support. Finally, as the result of multiple regression analysis, the Pd(Psychopathic Deviate) and Ma(Hypomania) scale of MMPI-2 were identified as important variables affecting stress coping strategy, and these two scales seem to represent personal characteristic of private security guards. Further and mord detailed study needs to be conducted to clarify the relationship between job stress, mental health and coping strategy of private security guards.
The purpose of this study were 1) to reconstruct items of the Sternberg(1988)'s thinking style inventory and 2) to examine the relationship between thinking style, personality, contextual performance and job performance of female telemarketer. As a results of the exploratory factor analysis using 877 sales managers, 12 factors were extracted. These 12 factors were identical to the 13 factors of the Sternberg's original inventory except for the anarchic factor. Then, the thinking style inventory was reconstructed based on the results of a factor analysis and inter-factor correlation analysis (i.e., we eliminated factors which had insufficient number of items, combined similar factors and constituted 5 fairs of factors which contrasted with each other in meaning). The results of the correlation analysis between the newly developed thinking style inventory and the HEXACO model revealed that the correlation between similar constructs in these two inventories (ex., the external style of the thinking style inventory and extroversion of the HEXACO) was higher than the correlation between other dissimilar constructs. Also, contextual performance was correlated higher with the legislative, oligarchic, external and liberal style than the executive, monarchic, internal and conservative style, respectively. One of the factors in the contextual performance scale which related to one's intention to follow the organizational rules showed higher correlation with executive and conservative style than legislative and liberal style, respectively. Multiple correlation between factors in the thinking style inventory and supervisors' competency ratings and average task performance in recent 6 months were .25 and .36, respectively. Limitations of the study and directions for future study were discussed.
This study investigated the usefulness of classification of managers based on their job competencies. Firstly, total 18 competencies in 6 job categories were identified. Secondly, the results of correlation analysis using 304 managers revealed that 13 out of 18 competences had significant correlation with ratings obtained by assessment center technique. Thirdly, the data using 1554 managers showed that job competency scores related to their current job or preferred job categories were highest in comparison with other job categories. Fourthly, rate of concordance between job category based on their competency scores and their actual job category was 40.54%. The corresponding rate of concordance between job category based on their competency scores and preferred job category was 48.70%. The results of the current study demonstrated usefulness of placement decision based on job competencies.