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Vol.23 No.2

Reliability and Validity of Nested-Designed Assessment Center

An Assessment Center(AC) consists of a standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple evaluations including: job-related simulations, interviews and psychological tests. Recently, as many companies have been adopted AC as a selection tool, the importance of AC have been rapidly increased. The general frame work of AC used is called “nested model”. That is, selecting a competence for assessment identifies exercises. However, there have been little researches conducted on the validity of nested AC. Therefore, this study is intended to the validity of nested AC using generalizability theory with G and D study and confirmatory factory analysis. In this study, we use two types of data: AC scores of applicants(n=1,249) and AC scores of incumbents(team manager=105, team member=200). The AC of this study is designed of Structured Interview(SI), which three competencies(responsibility, activity, innovation) are rated by three assessors and Presentation(PT) and Group Discussion(GD), which two competencies(information processing, problem solving / harmony, communication skill) are rated respectively by two assessors. In the result, generalizability analyses indicated that the reliabilities of three exercise were acceptable and exercise effects existed, on the other hand, dimension effects were found especially in SI. But, rater effect was almost not existed. Confirmatory factor analyses results were consistent with the generalizability results. That is, the dimensions of AC could be discriminated, and showed a differential predictive validity. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

A Study on the Effective Repatriation Adjustment -Focused on Korean Large Corporations-

Today, many domestic companies in korea are rapidly internationalized so as to cope with limitless global competition. As a result of that situation, there are more interactions between home and foreign countries in human resources. Especially the number of domestic human resources, who are moving on to foreign countries to work at overseas investment companies, foreign corporations, overseas branches and so on, are increasing. They are working overseas within given period and return to home as predominant human resources with internationalized competence and broader global prospective which can be important intangible assets for their organizations. However, many of organizations have been so neglecting to manage the repatriates that the turnover rate of the repatriates are high, and the management for repatriates is becoming an important issue for human resource management for businesses. In accordance with emphasis on individual repatriation adjustment and contribution to firms since the end of 1980s, there have been many foreign studies on preceding factors which affect repatriation adjustment. However, there have been not only few studies but discussion also has not sufficient yet on this issue in Korea. In this context, the purposes of this study are as follows. First, this study aims to figure out how individual factors, & job factors affect the adjustment of repatriates. Second, this study aims to give practical comments which are needed to effective management of repatriates by analyzing the results. In order to accomplish this purpose, questionnaires of 250 were distributed to repatriates who had worked for more than one year at overseas workplaces of 16 manufacturing companies, which were classified as a top group of large companies by Fair Trade Commission, and have retuned in recent three years. 187 out of 250 questionnaires were returned and 172 out of the 187 returned questionnaires were used for this analysis because some were missed out or some were strongly centralized. The major findings of the study are as follows. First, individual factors are positively related with repatriation adjustment. Second, in the cases of job factors, role discretion is positively related with commitment to a local work, and role clarity is positively related with repatriation adjustment. Third, job similarity is higher in the effective management of repatriates.

The relationship between job satisfaction and emotions at work: Testing the frequency and positivity ratio hypotheses

Researchers of job satisfaction and subjective well-being suggest two distinct viewpoints concerning the relationship between ‘happiness’(or ‘flourishing’) and daily emotional experiences. The first one, frequency hypothesis(Diener et al., 1991) suggests that how much of time a person experiences positive emotions is a better predictor than positive emotional intensity of how happy the person reports being. The second one, positivity ratio hypothesis (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005) predicts that a ratio of positive to negative affect at or above(3 : 1) will characterize individuals in flourishing mental health. The current study aimed to apply these two views to the relationship between job satisfaction and emotions at work. Using the Day Reconstruction Method (Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz, & Stone, 2004), we gathered affect data within one work day from 201 Seoul citizens in Korea. The resuts showed that the more frequently they experienced the positive emotion than the negative one the more satisfied are they with their job. The intensity of positive emotions didn't have any significant R2 increase after controlling the frequency effect. Furthermore, the higher the positivity ratio the more satisfied are they with their job. However, the relation was not only linear but also curvilinear. Lastly, we discussed the implications of this study's results.

The Relationship of Employability and OCB: Job Insecurity, Organizational Anxiety, and Job Engagement as Mediators

This study aims to examine the relationship between employability(i.e., subjective perception or beliefs about possibilities of getting new employment and maintaining current employment) and organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) when job insecurity, organizational anxiety, and job engagement were considered as mediators. Based on the questionnaire data gathered from 221 currently employed workers, the Covariance Structural Modeling(CSM) analysis was conducted. The results indicated that the effect of employability on OCB was mediated by the variables of job instability, organizational anxiety, and job engagement, rather than directly related to each other. In particular, employability was positively related to OCB both by negative mediating effects of job instability and organizational anxiety, but by positive mediating effect of job engagement. Also, it was found that employability, job instability, and job engagement induced higher positive relationship with OCBO(organizational citizenship behavior directed at organization) than with OCBI(organizational citizenship behavior directed at individual), whereas organizational anxiety induced higher negative relationship with OCBO than with OCBI.

A Study on the Effects of LMX through Multilevel Approach

The recent LMX literature has suggested the possible application of the multilevel approach to study, the results of LMX. Since, in a general organization setting, the leader and members belong to a common group and this group also belong hierarchically to the organization with other groups, the attitudes and behaviors of the focal member in LMX could be influenced by the factors at the higher levels such as group or organization, which should be understand hierarchically in the frame of the multilevel approach. In this light, this study focusing on the formation and results of LMX was analyzed by the multilevel statistic modeling(i.e. HLM). According to the suggestions of the previous research, we propose the moderating effect of LMX differentiation and procedural justice climateon the relationship between LMX quality and outcomes. To test hypotheses, we collected the survey data from 257 members and 44 group leaders in a domestic manufacturing company. The result to verify the moderate effect of group variables has found that the LMX differentiation moderated the relation between LMX and affective commitment, the procedural justice climate moderated the relation between LMX quality and organizational citizenship behavior.

Effects of permeability and pre-merger organizational identity on the identity management strategy

This research extended the findings on the effect of merge and acquisition by applying social identity theory. Various (correlates) of merge and acquisition were investigated using 818 South Korean employees. This investigation had purposes. it is identified that effect of status perception and the permeability of status difference between employees from merging and merged organization on pre-merger organizational identity and pre-merger organizational identity management strategy. The main results were as followed. the more they were likely to have a high pre-merger organization identity, they more use collective behavior strategy and less use individual behavior strategy. And when people who are relatively low status perceived, the more they were likely to have a high pre-merger organization identity, they more use collective cognition strategy. And People who had merged relative to people who had been merged think of their status high. At the same time, the more permeable people who think of their status high perceived, the more they were likely to have a high pre-merger organization identity. In contrast, when people who are relatively low status perceived their current status permeable, they felt low pre-merger identity and likely to use individual behavior strategy and more use collective cognition strategy.

An Investigation of the Construct of Performance Evaluation System Effectiveness from the Evaluatee’s Perspective and Its Measurement Tool

The purpose of this study was to investigate the construct of performance evaluation effectiveness from evaluatee's perspective and to suggest its measurement tool for organizations to use it as a criterion of the performance system effectiveness. As the performance evaluation effectiveness from evaluatee's perspective is associated with attitudinal aspect that may be influenced by common method variances, the current study also included in the examination the emotional aspect of personality and the actual performance ratings appraised by supervisors. Through the three sub-studies in total, this research have tested the structure of the performance evaluation effectiveness construct by calibrating the measurement tool each time. Study 1 has started with a pilot research using a sample from various organizations, in which an initial measurement tool with procedural and distributive justice dimensions was set up, with an elimination of the interactional justice due to the unclear dimensional identity. The main analysis of study 1 was conducted using a sample from an electronic part production organization to test the five-dimensional structure of the performance evaluation effectiveness in which two justice dimensions, accuracy, utility, and satisfaction dimensions were included. The study examined a 5-factor model and a model of higher-order structure with the 5 factors under it. Although both models showed good fit indices, the 5-factor model was found as slightly better-fitted model. In the additional examination that included the method variance by emotional personality, the personality did not produce method bias to the structure of the construct. Study 2 was to re-examine the structure of the evaluation effectiveness construct, in which the 5-factor model fit was confirmed similar to study 1. In this study the actual performance record rated by supervisor was also examined to test if it affects as a significant method variance. The results showed that the actual performance had significant effects on both measurement model and structure model as well. In study 3, the construct and the measures were examined in terms of the generalizability across various organizations, as well as the satisfaction dimension was delved into more specifically by dividing it to system satisfaction and session satisfaction. The results of the study using a sample from various organizations confirmed the goodness-of-fit of the 6-factor structure, similar to the findings in study 1 and study 2. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.
