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The Effects of Work-Life Harmony and Leader-Member Exchange on Organizational Commitment: Happiness at Work as a Mediator


Many companies have started to pay attention to the promotion of employee happiness and offer a variety of benefit plans to improve company productivity. Work-life harmony and leader-member exchange are important parts of the quality of working life. Organizational commitment is directly related to organizational performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of work-life harmony and leader-member exchange on organizational commitment through employee happiness at work. Data was collected from 530 workers employed in a variety of organizations. It was found that work-life harmony and leader-member exchange quality were significant predictors of employee happiness at work and that the happiness at work was a significant indicator of organizational commitment. In addition, the happiness at work completely mediated the relationships between work-life harmony and organizational commitment, and partially mediated the relationships between leader-member exchange and organizational commitment. The results of this study will be helpful for employees and organizations as it will offer solutions to promote employee happiness and improve company productivity. In addition, it can be utilized as a basic resource for a corporate welfare system.

일과 생활의 조화, 상사-부하 관계, 행복, 직장에서의 행복, 조직몰입, Work-Life Harmony, Leader-member exchange, Happiness, Organizational commitment, Happiness at work



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