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The effect of proactive personality on job performance: Focused on the moderating effect of job meaningfulness, supportive leadership, autonomy culture


The purpose of the present study was to (1) examine the relationships between proactive personality and organizational citizenship behavior as well as task performance and (2) test the moderating effects of job meaningfulness, supportive leadership and autonomy culture(each representing task, social and organizational level) on these relationships based on the trait activation theory(TAT). A total of 435 employees working at various companies in Korea participated in a survey, and 404 data were used for statistical analysis after elimination of inadequate samples. The results of correlation analyses showed that proactive personality was significantly related to both organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. Furthermore, the results of hierarchial regression analyses demonstrated that job meaningfulness and supportive leadership moderated the relationship between proactive personality and organizational citizenship behavior, while the moderating effect of autonomy culture on the relationship between proactive personality and task performance was supported. Finally, the implications and future research directions were discussed.

proactive personality, trait activation theory, job meaningfulness, supportive leadership, autonomy culture, 주도적 성격, 특성 활성화 이론, 직무의미성, 지원적 리더십, 자율성 문화



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