ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ego-resilience, perception of social support, job satisfaction and burnout. Also, this study examined the mediating effect of perception of social support on the relationship between ego-resilience and job satisfaction and the relationship between ego-resilience and burnout. Data were collected from 252 employees from a number of companies in korea. The collected data were statistically analyzed through correlation analysis and regression analysis by Baron and Kenny with SPSS 19.0. The result of correlation analysis showed that the relationship between ego-resilience and job satisfaction was significantly positive and the relationship between ego-resilience and burnout was significantly negative. And the relationship between perception of social support and job satisfaction was significantly positive and the relationship between perception of social support and burnout was significantly negative. Also, The result of regression analysis showed that perception of social support partially mediated the relationship between ego-resilience and job satisfaction, the relationship between ego-resilience and burnout. In other words, we confirmed that ego-resilience and perception of social support raised job satisfaction, and decreased the burnout. ego-resilience not only effected on the perception of social support but also on job satisfaction and burnout. Finally, based on the result we discussed significance, limitation of this study and implication for further research.
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