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A study on an exit interview process, influencing the withdrawal of a turnover decision: Semiconductor manufacturing plant cases


This study aims to explore the reasons why employees of semiconductor manufacturing plants make a turnover decision, and their experiences on the factors that influence the withdrawal of a turnover decision during an exit interview with one’s superior and a human resources department staff in charge. The total number of participants was twelve, and the data was collected by conducting an in-depth interview and analyzed by Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method. The study results showed that there were three determinants of making a turnover decision: personal reasons irrelevant to an organization, conflicts with one’s superior, colleagues and subordinates, and a stress due to uncontrollable tasks. Four major factors that influence one’s withdrawal of a turnover decision during an exit interview with one’s superior and a human resources staff in charge were found: the interviewer him or herself, interviewer’s interview skills and attitude, participants’s cognitive and emotional changes, and the problem solving. Following the making of a turnover decision and a withdrawal, the participants experienced the weakening of a self-concept and the changes to their perspectives on an organization. This study is meaningful in the following respects. The research aimed at the members of an organization who actually had a turnover decision, and examined the factors that influenced the withdrawal of a turnover decision through an exit interview process for the first time. This study could serve as the basis when introducing a workplace counseling system or a training program for counseling techniques within an organization or a company, whilst also contributing significantly to the development of interview, leadership and communication training programs for the managers carrying out employee interviews within an organization.

turnover, exit interview, turnover decision, withdrawal of a turnover decision, 이직, 이직면담, 이직결정요인, 이직결정 철회요인



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