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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study is to verify the mediating effects of team trust that becomes pronounced as the empowering leadership of store managers influences the cooperative behavior of contact employees as well as the moderating effects of team cynism in the relationship between the empowering leadership of store managers and team trust. To this end, we conducted a survey of 150 store managers and 400 contact employees working in stores located inside department stores, and analyzed data collected from 114 store managers and 340 contact employees, except unreliable responses. As a result of a hierarchical regression analysis to confirm mediating effects, it was found that team trust had a partially mediating effect on the relationship between the empowering leadership of store managers and the cooperative behavior of contact employees. The empowering leadership of store managers had a directly effect on the cooperative behavior of contact employees, as well as the empowering leadership of store managers had a indirectly effect on the cooperative behavior of contact employees through the team trust. Also found were the negative moderating effect of team cynicism in the relationship between the empowering leadership of store managers and team trust. Based on the research findings, this study discussed its academic significance, practical implications, limitations and future research tasks.
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