open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The studies about negotiation have been conducted in the various research fields. However, despite of its importance of employees’ concern, the number of studies for wage negotiation was few. Specifically, there have been no empirical studies directly examined the influence of participation of wage negotiation on the employees’ pay satisfaction and trust in Korea. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the opportunity and type of the wage negotiation on the pay satisfaction and trust in management. Data were collected from 315 workers employed in a variety of organizations in Korea and hierarchical multiple regression and MANCOVA were conducted to test hypothesis. The results of regression analysis indicated that the providing opportunity of wage negotiation have positive influence on the level of pay satisfaction and trust in management. Also, union negotiation rather than individual negotiation have positive influence on the level of pay satisfaction and trust in management. In addition, the results of MANCOVA was similar with that of regression analysis, however, there was no significant difference for trust in management and satisfaction of pay policy and management between union negotiation and individual negotiation.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 5 factors(extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism) of team personality on team learning behavior, the moderating effect of transformational leadership between five factors of team personality and team learning behavior, the relationship of team learning behavior and team performance. Data was collected by 227 individuals from 58 teams in 8 organizations and analyzed by correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The findings from correlation analysis were that team extraversion, team agreeableness, and team conscientiousness were positively related to team learning behavior and that team neuroticism was negatively related to team learning behavior. Additionally, team openness was somewhat significantly related to team learning behavior. The results from hierarchical regression analysis indicated that team extraversion and team agreeableness were positively related to team learning behavior but that team openness, team conscientiousness, and team neuroticism were not significantly related to team learning behavior. In addition, transformational leadership moderated the relationship between team agreeableness and team learning behavior. That is, in the low level of transformational leadership, team agreeableness was positively related to team learning behavior whereas team agreeableness was negatively related to team learning behavior in the high level of transformational leadership. Contrary to the expectations, transformational leadership did not moderate the relationship of team extraversion, team openness, team conscientiousness, and team neuroticism to team learning behavior. Finally, team learning behavior was significantly related to team performance.
This study was conducted to investigate the factor structure of Core Self-Evaluations(CSE) by means of exploratory structural equation modeling(ESEM) models. ESEM is a technique that has been proposed for the analysis of internal structure that overcomes some of the limitations of EFA and CFA. The results show that factor structures of CSE consist of one factor. Typically, the one- or two- factor structure is supported by previous studies. The reason for discrepancies is as follows. First, the 12 Core Self-Evaluations Scale(CSES) items have the potential to be an indicator of other similar constructs because the items cut across the four core traits such that some items may reflect a combination of two or more of the core traits. Second, the relationship between the various traits that may be the concept of CSE have not been fully investigated. Therefore, CSE construct should be clarified in the logical structure of the CSE theory and the development of the scale with the more sophisticated internal structure are required.
This study investigated the impacts of career future time perspective on occupational self-efficacy, organizational commitment, career commitment, turnover intention, and career development. Data was collected from full-time employees (N = 400) working at various private companies through online survey. The results from path model showed that career future time perspective influenced occupational self-efficacy, organizational commitment, career commitment, turnover intention, and career development. Additionally, the results from multi-group analysis indicated that the path from career future time perspective to career commitment was different along with age and job title. The results of this study suggested that career future time perspective has predictive role in job attitudes and career behavior among employees.
This study tested whether meaning of work mediated the link between perceived corporate social responsibility and organizational identification. In order to examine the hypothetical model, 11843 employees were sampled across three time points. In structural equation modeling, the hypothetical model explaining the structural paths and the goodness of fit of the model were evaluated. The results showed that meaning of work mediated the relationship between perceived corporate social responsibility and organizational identification. The implications and limitations of the study as well as suggestions for future studies were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Work Meaning Inventory(WMI). 86 items and 9 factors of the inventory were obtained based on open-ended questionnaires from 88 workers. Two preliminary on-line surveys from 500 and 236 employees, respectively, were carried to analyze factor structure of the WMI. The final result showed that the 8 factor model with 54 items was appropriate. Finally, to test the validity of the WMI, the main on-line survey was carried and the questionnaires were collected from 1016 employees across a wide variety of companies. In order to check cross-validity of the inventory, the total group was divided into two sub-groups (each group with 508 employees). The results of factor analyses with group 1 showed that the 8-factor model with 47 items was appropriate. Also the results of confirmatory factor analysis with group 2 showed that the 8-factor model fit the data well. Final 8 factors were as follows: 1) interpersonal relation, 2) economic means, 3) recognition, 4) family support, 5) enjoyment seeking, 6) growth opportunity, 7) society contribution, and 8) life vitality. The WMI was significantly correlated with various criteria such as life satisfaction, life meaning, flourishing, and mental health. Finally, implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future study were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the effect of subordinate’s emotional labor(surface acting, deep acting) on job burnout(emotional exhaustion, cynicism, inefficacy) and job engagement(vigor, dedication, absorption), and (2) verify whether perceived organizational support moderates the relationships between emotional labor and job related attitudes. A total of 547 employees working at various companies in Korea participated in an on-line survey, 495 data were used for statistical analysis after the elimination of inadequate sample. The results showed that surface acting positively affected job burnout while negatively affecting the job engagement. It was found that deep acting positively affected job engagement, but it had no significant effect on job burnout. The results also demonstrated that perceived organizational support moderated the relationships between surface acting and job burnout as well as relationships between deep acting and job engagement. On the basis of the results, the implications and future research directions were discussed.
The purpose of this research is examination of the effects of disagreement, interference, negative emotion on task conflict and relationship conflict based on the assumption that interpersonal conflict is a combination of cognitive, behavioral, affective components. In addition, the research attempts to show that the effects of behavioral and affective components of conflict on relationship conflict are vary with the individual's value orientation. Furthermore, the investigation that these components of conflict have impact on individual's creative performance was made. 141 participants were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (disagreement, interference, negative emotion) and engaged in group brain- storming session while experimenter manipulated the group interaction according to each condition. Findings showed that the creative performance was highest when there is only disagreement in the setting of conflict situation, while interference and negative emotion decrease the creative performance. Task conflict was not affected by interference, but increased by negative emotion. Relationship conflict was increased by inclusion of components of conflict in a linear trend. Negative emotion had greater effect on relationship conflict when an individual had collective value orientation. The limitation and implication of the study and direction of future research were discussed.
The purpose of this study is to investigate two concepts of workplace envy - malicious envy and benign envy- and explore the factors influencing the types of envy. In addition, the study examined how malicious envy and benign envy, respectively, is related to behavioral consequences such as voice behavior, feedback seeking behavior, and social undermining. Using the data of 141 employees in 31 teams from 5 organizations in Korea, we found that three antecedents of workplace envy such as self-efficacy, affect-based trust, and cognition-based trust have positive relationship with benign envy and negative relationship with malicious envy. In addition, benign envy appears to increase voice behavior while malicious envy is related to social undermining behavior. The results imply that these two concepts exist in work settings, and have different behavioral outcomes.
Although companies implementing pay-for-performance system are increasing, the empirical study of effectiveness is scarce. Focusing on creativity which is closely related to organizational productivity, the current study explored the effects of pay-for-performance on creativity. Based on threat-rigidity theory(Staw et al., 1981), this study hypothesized that pay-for-performance would lead to heightened anxiety and attentional narrowing. Also, this study tried to examine the mediating effects of anxiety and attentional breadth on the relationship between pay-for-performance and creativity. Results are as following. First, the creative performance of the pay-for-performance group was lower than that of control group. Second, the level of anxiety in the pay-for-performance group was higher than the control group but there wasn't significantly difference between two groups in attentional breadth. Third, although anxiety was correlated negatively with creative performance, the correlation between attentional breadth and creative performance was not significant. Forth, anxiety fully mediated the relationship between the pay-for-performance and creative performance; yet attentional breadth had no mediation effects. Lastly, the implication and limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research were discussed.