open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of four different types of voice behavior developed by Maynes and Podsakoff(2013). In addition, relation of personal characteristics to four different types of voice behavior and moderating effects of organization trust on relationship between personal characteristics and voice behavior were examined. Data were obtained from 309 employees in various organizations in Korea. Results showed that proactive personality was positively influences constructive voice and negatively influences destructive voice. Also psychological collectivism was positively influences supportive voice, and trait cynicism was positively influences defensive voice and destructive voice. The results of hierarchial regression analyses showed that organization trust moderated the relationship between psychological collectivism and supportive voice, defensive voice. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to test validity of the Korean version of the Career Adaptability Scale(CAAS) developed by Savickas(2012) based on two samples of employees. In the study 1, data were collected from 300 employees across a wide variety of companies. The total of 24 items of the Korean version of the CAAS were administered. The results of factor analyses showed that the four-factor model with 16 items was appropriate. In the study 2, data were collected from 184 employees across various companies. The results of confirmatory factor analyses showed that the four-factor model had high goodness-of-fit indices supporting construct validity of the Korean version of the CAAS. Also the results of correlation analyses showed that career adaptability was significantly related to various criteria such as perception of future career success, career planning, career satisfaction, and career commitment, confirming criterion-related validity of the Korean version of the CAAS. Finally, implications, limitations, and future studies were discussed.
The post-retirement preparation of middle & young-old aged workers before their complete labor force withdrawal have received more attention in countries where aging society is progressing rapidly. Given that organizations and society may not be able to provide a full support for the later life of middle & young-old aged workers, self-directed preparation of individual workers is a key factor for the successful retirement. The purpose of this study was to examine a mediating role of mentoring between generativity and post-retirement preparation based on the theory of adult development of Erikson associated with generativity. The effect of mentoring may also be influenced by work-related factor for the old-aged workers. Thus, this study simultaneously tested the effect of work engagement as another predictor of mentoring and post-retirement preparation. Given the expected roles of the generation in this age are quite different by gender, the gender difference in the pattern of relationships among the variables was also hypothesized. Conducting a survey research to 320 employed middle and young-old aged worker, the data was analyzed by multi-group analysis using Structured Equation Modeling. The results of this study found the positive effects of generativity and work engagement on post-retirement preparation through mentoring behavior. Gender difference was also found in some paths of the research model. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.
The goal of the present study was to examine the influence of goal orientation and perceived learning support on the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity within the organizational context. Specifically, the mediating effects of three different types of goal orientation in the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity and the moderated mediation model of goal orientation and perceived learning support were examined. To gain accurate information, we confirmed the results in a serial order. First, the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity was mediated by learning and performance- approach goal orientation, but not the performance-avoidance goal orientation. Second, perceived learning support moderated the relationships between learning goal orientation and continuous learning activity, and between performance-approach goal orientation and continuous learning activity. Third, perceived learning support moderated the mediating effect of learning and performance-approach goal orientation on the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity. Such results imply that calling can foster continuous learning activity by bringing about motivational influence in terms of learning and performance- approach goal orientation. In addition, our research suggests that the relationship between each goal orientation and continuous learning activity might differ depending on the level of perceived learning support. The significance and limitations of our findings are also discussed.
The purpose of the present research was to examine the buffering effects of positive emotion on the relationship between interpersonal conflict and relationship damage. The present research proposed the moderated mediation model in which perceived interactional injustice from the other party in conflict situations has an effect on relationship damage via residual emotion, and the strength of the mediation effect is weakened by the experience of positive emotion. Results from a sample of 215 participants showed that the strength of the mediated effects of perceived injustice on relationship damage through residual emotion was weaker at higher levels of positive emotion than at lower levels of positive emotion. These findings support the buffering effects of positive emotion on the relationship between perceived injustice in conflict and relationship damage, suggesting that the experience of positive emotion can serve as a protective factor against the negative effect of interpersonal conflict on relationship maintenance. The discussion focuses on implications of the findings in terms of conflict management, limitations and suggestions for future research.
In this article, three studies were performed to investigate the differences of the tendency to regulate emotion expression in terms of the organizational member's cultural dispositions. Study 1 four hypothsises. First, allocentrics will have a higher level of emotion suppression than that of idiocentrics. Second, allocentrics will have a higher level of negative attitude towords emotion expressions than idiocentrices. third, the relation between allocentrics and emotion suppression will mediated by negative attitude to emotional expression. finally, allocentircs will be negatively evaluated than idiocentrics who shows emotional expression freely. For this study, data was collected from 196 employees by survey questionnaires. In study 1, it was found that allocentrics have a higher level of emotional suppression and negative attitude towards emotional expression than idiocentirics. The relation between allocentrics and emotional expression were mediated by negative attitude to emotional expression. But hypothesis 4 was not supported. In study 2, we experimented by including positive and negative conditions to examine the difference of emotional regulations between allocentrics and idiocentrics. The results show that allocentrics and idiocentrics do not differ in positive condition. However, in negative condition, allocentrics are more emotionally suppressed than that of idocentrics. Study 3 shows that by applying emotion type we were able to evaluate the fourth hypothesis of the first study. In socially engaged conditions, allocentrics were more favorable than idiocentrics. In socially disengaged conditions shows that allocentrics favored anger suppressing individuals over idiocentrics. Finally, implications and limitations of these results were discussed.
The first purpose of the study was to examine the mediating effect of psychological contract breach in the relationship between role stress(role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload) and organizational commitment. The second purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of resilience in the relationship between role stress(role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload) and psychological contract breach. For these purposes, data were collected from 267 employees working in various corporations by questionnaires. Results indicated that role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload have positive effects on psychological contract breach, and that psychological contract breach has a negative effect on organizational commitment. The psychological contract breach partially mediated the relationship between role ambiguity and organizational commitment, and fully mediated the relationship between role conflict and role overload and organizational commitment. The moderation effect of resilience was found because resilience weakens the positive relationship between role overload and psychological contract breach. Based on these results, academic and practical implications were discussed. Finally, the limitations of this study and directions for the future research were discussed.
This study has two primary aims: (1) to investigate the relationship between how the newcomer perceives employer promises psychological contract breach, and (2) to understand how these rates change over time. A total of 222 newcomers at major Korean companies were surveyed twice at a three-month interval. Results showed that both levels of perceived employer promise and psychological contract breach decreased over time as individuals accumulated real job experience. Also, the change in perceived employer promises was positively related to the change in breach perception. As their perceived employer promise level decreases over time, newcomers perceived fewer psychological contract breaches. This study provides evidence that a newcomer’s breach perception could result from overestimation of employer promise and that job experience plays a role in adjusting employer promise perception to an appropriate level, thereby lowering breach perception. These findings suggest that newcomers’ breach perception may be different from that of existing employees, due to incomplete initial understanding of employer promise, leading to increased frequency of breach perception. Practitioners may also benefit from education on new approaches for managing newcomers’ breach perception.
The current study tested whether organizational trust mediated the relationship between perceived corporate social responsibility(CSR) and organizational identification(OI). In order to investigate the hypotheses, 11843 employees in private bank were sampled across two time points. Using structural equation modeling(SEM), we set moderated mediation model which elaborately delves into the significance of the hypotheses. The results showed that organizational trust mediated the link between perceived CSR and OI. In addition, the relationship between perceived CSR and organizational trust was moderated by mission commitment. The implications and limitations, and suggestions for future research were discussed.
Allen and Meyer's(1990) 3-component model of organizational commitment(OC) was investigated using exploratory structural equation modeling(ESEM) with samples of full-time social workers at social welfare organizations in South Korea. Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) has been at the heart of testing factor structure of the 3-component model in organizational commitment research wherein each scale of the affective, continuance, and normative commitment is reported to measure conceptually and empirically separable construct. The present study applied ESEM, specifically ‘intra-scale’ and ‘inter-scale’ ESEM, to scrutinize factor structure of the 3-component scales. ESEM methodology uses exploratory approach in that all cross-loadings are estimated between each measure and factors, with uniqueness correlated according to the researcher's hypotheses as in CFA. In this respect, ESEM can be viewed as an open approach to item analysis distinguished from the conventional (closed) approach, such as EFA and CFA. This study provided detailed assessment of the 3-component model through comparisons of factor structures estimated by EFA, CFA and ‘intra’ ESEM, followed by the ‘inter’ ESEM conducted on all other variables(assumed to be similar constructs with or antecedents of OC). As a result, the ‘intra-scale’ ESEM showed a substantially better fit and yielded more discriminated factors(less correlated) than did EFA and CFA that are models for planned scale. The ‘inter-scale’ ESEM revealed how seriously method effect can distort an original factor structure in empirical data measured together with multiple scales of other constructs. Using ESEM has advantages of estimating common factor structures, controlling for common method effect that are typically included in measures in applied research. Also, it allows for much more possibilities that each item can measure multiple constructs so as to reveal more realistic factor structures. Taken together, the present results suggest a need to conceptualize and validate a new scale for organizational commitment reflecting Korean culture.
The present research examined the possibility that transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture are antecedents of employees' resilience and employees' resilience plays as a mediator linking transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture to their happiness and organizational effectiveness. Specifically, we suggest that transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture serve as environmental factors to enhance employees' resilience, which eventually contributes to organizational effectiveness such as job motivation, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors via the path between resilience and happiness. Data were collected from 498 employees in various companies. The results found that resilience was positively related with job motivation, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors, and these relationships were mediated by happiness. Furthermore, it was found that both transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture were positively correlated with resilience, and had significant indirect effects on organizational effectiveness variables via the path between resilience and happiness, while only transformational leadership had direct effects on organizational effectiveness variables. These findings indicate that resilience is important for the beneficial effects of happiness on organizational effectiveness, and transformational leadership and person-centered organizational culture may increase organizational effectiveness by promoting employees' resilience. Finally, theoretical and practical implications, limitation and suggestion for future research are discussed.