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The Effect of Peer's Impression Management on Employee's Organizational Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Impression Management Motive and Moderating Effect of Internal Locus of Control


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among peer's impression management, employee's impression management motive, and employee's organizational behavior(task performance and voice behavior). Also, this study examined the mediating role of employee's impression management motive in the relationship between peer's impression management and employee's organizational behavior and the moderating role of internal locus of control in the relationship between peer's impression management and impression management motive. Data were gathered from 251 employees from a number of companies by survey research method. The result of this study showed that peer's impression management influences on employee's impression management motive, and employee's impression management motive influences on both task performance and voice behavior. Employee's impression management motive fully mediated the relationship between peer's impression management and employee's organizational behavior(task performance and voice behavior), and internal locus of control moderated the relationship between peer's impression management and employee's impression management motive. That is, the positive relationship between peer's impression management and employee's impression management motive was stronger when employee's level of internal locus of control was high. Based on the results, the implications of this study and the directions for future research tasks were discussed with limitations.

동료의 인상관리행동, 인상관리 동기, 과업수행, 발언행동, 내적 통제소재, Peer's impression management, Impression management motive, Task performance, Voice behavior, Internal locus of control



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