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The relationship of team personality to team learning behavior: Transformational leadership as a moderator


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 5 factors(extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism) of team personality on team learning behavior, the moderating effect of transformational leadership between five factors of team personality and team learning behavior, the relationship of team learning behavior and team performance. Data was collected by 227 individuals from 58 teams in 8 organizations and analyzed by correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The findings from correlation analysis were that team extraversion, team agreeableness, and team conscientiousness were positively related to team learning behavior and that team neuroticism was negatively related to team learning behavior. Additionally, team openness was somewhat significantly related to team learning behavior. The results from hierarchical regression analysis indicated that team extraversion and team agreeableness were positively related to team learning behavior but that team openness, team conscientiousness, and team neuroticism were not significantly related to team learning behavior. In addition, transformational leadership moderated the relationship between team agreeableness and team learning behavior. That is, in the low level of transformational leadership, team agreeableness was positively related to team learning behavior whereas team agreeableness was negatively related to team learning behavior in the high level of transformational leadership. Contrary to the expectations, transformational leadership did not moderate the relationship of team extraversion, team openness, team conscientiousness, and team neuroticism to team learning behavior. Finally, team learning behavior was significantly related to team performance.

변혁적 리더십, 팀 성격, 팀 학습 행동, 팀 수행, transformational leadership, team personality, team learning behavior, team performance



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