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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The goal of the present study was to examine the influence of goal orientation and perceived learning support on the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity within the organizational context. Specifically, the mediating effects of three different types of goal orientation in the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity and the moderated mediation model of goal orientation and perceived learning support were examined. To gain accurate information, we confirmed the results in a serial order. First, the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity was mediated by learning and performance- approach goal orientation, but not the performance-avoidance goal orientation. Second, perceived learning support moderated the relationships between learning goal orientation and continuous learning activity, and between performance-approach goal orientation and continuous learning activity. Third, perceived learning support moderated the mediating effect of learning and performance-approach goal orientation on the relationship between calling and continuous learning activity. Such results imply that calling can foster continuous learning activity by bringing about motivational influence in terms of learning and performance- approach goal orientation. In addition, our research suggests that the relationship between each goal orientation and continuous learning activity might differ depending on the level of perceived learning support. The significance and limitations of our findings are also discussed.
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