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Structural relationships of ego-resilience, affect experience, meaning in life, and job satisfaction: The moderating effects of transformational leadership


The current study explored structural relationships of ego-resilience, affect experience, meaning in life, and job satisfaction. Also, this study examined the moderating effects of transformational leadership between affect experience and meaning in life meaning. We collected data from 730 soldiers working at ROK Air Force air wing located at Gyeonggi-do. The results from mediation analysis showed that positive and negative affect mediated between ego-resilience and meaning in life, respectively. Also, meaning in life mediated between positive and negative affect, and job satisfaction, respectively. The results from regression analysis reported that transformational leadership moderated between positive and negative affect, and meaning in life, respectively. Additionally, transformational leadership moderated the mediation effects between positive and negative affect, and job satisfaction, respectively. In the discussion section, we discussed about theoretical and practical implications of this study.

자아탄력성, 긍정감정, 부정감정, 삶의 의미, 직무만족, 변혁적 리더십, ego-resilience, affect experience, meaning in life, job satisfaction, transformational leadership



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