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The effect of Job Autonomy on Job Satisfaction: The multilevel investigation of the mediating role of Job Crafting and Work Engagement


Work engagement has been widely studied in organizational research owing to its impact on organizational behaviors and outcomes. We proposed and tested a mediation model that examine within-individual level job crafting and work engagement relationships between job autonomy and job satisfaction. We collected multilevel data using repeated measurement design and 119 participants and 1190 data points at within-individual level. To analyze hypotheses, we use multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM). The results showed that within-individual level job crafting positively related to work engagement. Also, job crafting and work engagement mediated the relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction. Implications of these results for theory, practice and directions for future research are discussed.

work engagement, job crafting, MSEM, within-individual level, mediation, 직무개선, 일 열의, 다수준 구조방정식(MSEM), 개인내 수준, 매개모형



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