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The Effect of Work-Life Conflict on Organizational Commitment and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effect of Resource Loss and Negative Emotion


The first purpose of this study is to develop a Korean version of the counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) scale suited for white-collar employees (Study 1). The second purpose of this study is to examine the indirect effect of employee's work-life conflict on their organizational commitment and CWBs through the resource loss and negative emotion (Study 2). In Study 1, we collected a CWBs-item pool through the literature review, open-ended questionnaire and interviews. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis with the data from 315 employees and found a four-factor structure of CWBs (counterfeit, verbally hostile behavior, withdrawal, and production deviance) consisting of 13 items. The results from a confirmatory factor analysis supported the validity of the four-factor structure. In Study 2, we hypothesized that employees who suffer from the work-life conflict perceive resource loss and this resource loss yields employees' negative emotion and the subsequent decrease in organizational commitment and the increase in CWBs. Based on the data from a sample of 450 employees, a structural equation modeling analysis was conducted. The results revealed that the work-life conflict had a negative effect on organizational commitment and a positive effect on CWBs. Also, these relationships were sequentially mediated by the resource loss and negative emotion, supporting for the research hypotheses. Finally, theoretical and practical implications, limitation and suggestion for future research were discussed.

Work-Life Conflict, Organizational Commitment, Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Resource Loss, Negative emotion, 일과 삶의 갈등, 조직 몰입, 반생산적 과업행동, 자원 손실, 부적 정서



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