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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study aimed to replicate Bennett et al. (2016)’s study that investigated the profiles of recovery experiences among U.S. employees. A sample of 472 Korean employees was surveyed on their four recovery experiences(psychological detachment, relaxation, mastery and control; Sonnentag & Fritz, 2007) and problem-solving pondering during typical leisure time. By adopting person-centered approach using the latent profile analysis, we identified three profiles of recovery experiences: Recovery, Intermediate, and Fatigue Profiles. There were significant differences among these three profiles in demographics(age, marriage status, and the number of children) and job conditions(job demands, job resources), and well-being outcomes(work engagement, emotional exhaustion, sleep quality). By comparing the results with those of Bennett et al. (2016), we discussed the implications and limitations of this study, and suggested directions for the future studies.
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