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Positive and Negative Effects of Anger Expression in Workplace: Differences between when expressing and receiving anger


In this study, we conducted a study based on the possibility that expressing anger in organization could lead to positive effects as well as negative effects, and compared when expressing anger and receiving other’s anger. This study is divided into Study 1 and Study 2. and the purpose of Study 1 was to construct questionnires on the ways of anger expression and the effects of anger expression in organizational settings. As a result, the ways of anger expression were divided into linguistic anger expression and behavioral anger expression. The effect of anger expression was divided into a positive level and a negative level. The purpose of Study 2 was to examine the relation between the ways of anger expression and the effects of anger expression and the moderating effect of self-consciousness through the items constructed in Study 1. Results of analysis of the data from 271 organizational members are as follows. First, expressing anger was positively related to both positive and negative effects of anger expression, and receiving anger was positively related to the negative effects of anger expression. Second, Self-consciousness significantly moderated the relationship between the receiving anger and the effect of anger expression. Second, Self-consciousness had a moderating effect on receiving anger on the effect of anger expression. Specifically, the moderating effect of private-public self consciousness was statistically significant in the effects of receiving anger on the positive effect of anger expression.

expressing anger, receiving anger, the ways of anger expression, the positive effect of anger expression, the negative effect of anger expression, self-consciousness, 분노표출, 분노접수, 분노표현방식, 분노표현의 긍정적 효과, 분노표현의 부정적 효과, 자기의식



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