ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study is to explore the differential effects of regulatory focus on job crafting type(promotion/prevention-focused job crafting) and job crafting type on job satisfaction, turnover intention, innovative behavior. Also, this study assume the mediation model that job satisfaction has a mediation effect on relationship between job crafting and turnover intention/innovative behavior. To do this, we conducted an online survey of 394 workers and used 355 data for the final statistical analysis. The results showed that trait promotion-focus was positively related with promotion-focused job crafting, and trait prevention-focus was positively related with prevention-focused job crafting. Also relationship between trait promotion-focus and prevention-focused job crafting, between trait prevention-focus and promotion-focused job crafting was non-significant. That is, the trait regulatory focus was associated with the type of job crafting corresponding to each trait. Moreover, the results supported the differential effects of job crafting type by showing that promotion-focused job crafting has a positive relationship with job satisfaction/innovative behavior and a negative relationship with turnover intention, while prevention-focused job crafting has a negative relationship with job satisfaction and a positive relationship with turnover intention. Results of the mediation model showed that promotion-focused job crafting was negatively and prevention-focused job crafting was positively related with turnover intention through job satisfaction. There was no mediation effect of job satisfaction on relationship between job crafting and innovative behavior. At the end of this paper this study results, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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