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Job Satisfaction of Disabled and Non-disabled Employees: Satisfaction Levels and the Mediators


Despite increasing interest among researchers in the job satisfaction of disabled employees, surprisingly little attention has been directed to the difference in job satisfaction between disabled and non-disabled employees in Korea. This research intends to understand the levels of job satisfaction between employees with and without disability. Another important goal of the current research is to understand which job characteristics can explain the difference in job satisfaction between disabled and non-disabled employees. This paper analyzed Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) data collected in 2018. The result showed that disabled paid workers’ job satisfaction was lower than that of non-disabled workers. Mediation tests indicated that the difference in job satisfaction can be explained by several job properties such as lower monthly income, fewer fringe benefits, mismatch between job and skill, and greater proportion of part-time workers of disabled (vs. non-disabled) employees.

장애인 임금근로자, 직무만족도, 정규직여부, 직무 적합도, 임금, 복리후생, disabled employees, job satisfaction, part-time work, job match, income, fringe benefits
