open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to select appropriate trait adjectives describing university image and identify the latent factor structure represented in those trait adjectives. For this purpose, two studies were conducted. In study 1, total 372 college students rated each of 679 trait adjectives on appropriateness in describing university image. Among 679 trait adjectives, 287 trait adjectives were judged as appropriate in representing the university image. In study 2, total 788 college students rated image of seven famous universities(Korea, Seogang, Seoul National, Sungkyunkwan, Yonsei, Ehwa Women, Hanyang) using 180 trait adjectives. Ratings were analyzed by common factor analysis. It was found that there are five latent dimensions in represented in those trait adjectives: Intellect(42%), Ambition(23%), Vitality(21%), Individualism(9%), and Korean Tradition(5%). Based on these five dimensions, the seven universities were compared each other. Results from multiple comparison indicated that Seoul National University had the highest rating in the Intellect dimension, Korea University had the highest rating in the Ambition and Korean Tradition dimensions, and Yonsei University had the highest rating in the Vitality and Individualism dimensions. Results from cluster analysis indicated the images of Seogang University and Hanyang University, Seoul National University and Ehwa Women's University, and Sungkyunkwan University and Korea University were similar each other. Lastly the limitation of this study and additional research tasks were discussed.