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A Study on Applying the BSC for University Libraries

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2006, v.40 no.1, pp.241-262
(University of Northern Iowa)
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The University libraries need to develop the balanced scorecard concerning general management in order to measure the total performance of the organization that measure not only quantity measurement based on resources and quality measurement based on information services but also effectiveness of resource utilization, efficiency, ability providing the services and potential capability of the members adopting the diverse changes flexibility as organic organization under the rapidly changing circumstances nowadays. This study developed the BSC model into the four perspectives such as customer, resource, internal process, learning and growing modifying BSC model developed by Kaplan and Norton to fit university libraries as nonprofit organization and developed the strategic map and performance measurement indicators on the strategy of each perspective. Ultimately, this study tried to provide an integrated strategic management indicators providing comprehensive picture of university libraries from strategic plan to performance applying the BSC linking strategic plan.

대학도서관, 사명, 비전, 전략, 핵심 가치, 성과측정, 균형성과측정표, 도서관 경영University Library, Mission, Vision, Strategy, Core Values, Performance measurement, BSC, Balanced Scorecard, Library Management, 대학도서관, 사명, 비전, 전략, 핵심 가치, 성과측정, 균형성과측정표, 도서관 경영University Library, Mission, Vision, Strategy, Core Values, Performance measurement, BSC, Balanced Scorecard, Library Management



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science