The purpose of this study is to research into the characteristics of the printed books of Ch'un-ch'iu(春秋) commentary in Chosun dynasty by analyzing the types and forms of the existing printed books through the investigation of the bibliographic records of the books. To achieve this purpose, this study selected some of the 'Chak-pan' catalog(冊板目錄) printed in Chosun dynasty which has relatively clear and accurate history and investigated the block printing's condition of the printed books of Ch'un-ch'iu(春秋) commentary. In addition, a comprehensive book catalog of Ch'un-ch'iu(春秋) commentary was created by retrieving old book catalog from databases by several authoritative information centers and university libraries. Based on this catalog, this research created a new 'Union Catalog(綜合目錄)' which contains bibliographies of the Ch'un-ch'iu(春秋) commentary through field investigations by identifying, picture-taking, and copying the real books. The new union catalog functions as the basis of the bibliographic analysis of this research.
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