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Classification Performance Analysis of Cross-Language Text Categorization using Machine Translation

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2009, v.43 no.1, pp.313-332


Cross-language text categorization(CLTC) can classify documents automatically using training set from other language. In this study, collections appropriated for CLTC were extracted from KTSET. Classification performance of various CLTC methods were compared by SVM classifier using machine translation. Results showed that the classification performance in the order of poly-lingual training method, training-set translation and test-set translation. However, training-set translation could be regarded as the most useful method among CLTC, because it was efficient for machine translation and easily adapted to general environment. On the other hand, low performance was shown to be due to the feature reduction or features with no subject characteristics, which occurred in the process of machine translation of CLTC.

교차언어 문서 범주화, 문헌자동분류, 다국어 분류, 다국어 학습, 교차언어 학습, Cross-Language Text Categorization, CLTC, Document Classification, Multilingual Classification, Poly-Lingual Training, Cross-Language Training, Cross-Language Text Categorization, CLTC, Document Classification, Multilingual Classification, Poly-Lingual Training, Cross-Language Training



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science