The Library Act, which was revised in 2006, stipulates that systematical organizations should be established concentrating on the responsibilities and roles of the central government and local metropolitan municipalities in connection with the application of library policies. According to the Act, the Regional Central Library is supposed to apply the library policies covering all kinds of local libraries. Through trial cooperative operation led by the Regional Central Library and survey and discussion among staff, this study reviewed the possible alternatives for coordination in a region focusing on the Regional Central Library. The study proposed a ‘Cooperative systematic model led by the Regional Central Library’, an ‘Operational model’, and a ‘Step-by-step execution plan’ in consideration of the types of regions, the class of the libraries, and their fields. In addition, it presented a ‘Scheme for the appointment, establishment, and coordination of the Regional Central Library’, a ‘Scheme for systematic enhancement’, and a ‘Scheme for the capacity building of respective libraries’.
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