In our knowledge-based society, a corporation’s main growth engine consists of its unique core competences and how these are organized rather than materialized competitive advantage. Intangible factors such as creative organizational culture, learning capability, brands, marketing ability and technology are notable examples of such core competencies. To ensure constant development of a corporation, it is important to understand the environment in which these factors operate. Drawing on literature research, this paper looks at organizational culture and change, and employees’ attitudes and resistance factors to such change. To strengthen the explanation of this study the Korea Asset Management Corporation was used as a case study. From the point of view of information science, knowledge has been viewed as that which is found in books and databases. Such “knowledge” is storable, passive and unchangeable. However, more recently it is seen by many researchers that this approach is limited in that it ignores the knowledge that “sits” in human “bodyminds” and organizations. Such knowledge forms the backbone of organizational culture and should be considered in any meaningful study of information.
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