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The Perception of Librarians and Multicultural Users on the Multicultural Library Services of Public Libraries in Seoul

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2011, v.45 no.1, pp.103-124


The 21st century society is becoming globalized rapidly due to mass immigration and South Korea has become a multicultural nation since 2007 with over one million foreigners living here. Due to these social environmental changes, there was a need to provide multicultural programs and services in public libraries. In order to develop multicultural library services, we need to look into what librarians and users of public libraries know of the existing services. We assumed that comparing the two groups, librarians and users, and establishing a fit model would be the most effective way to provide information. According to the survey, there were differences in understanding between the two groups. By providing services that help fill in the gap, public libraries could be closer to multicultural families, and help them become integrated into Korean society. We have presented a multicultural service model based on the results of the survey.

공공도서관, 도서관의 다문화서비스, 다문화인 이용자와 담당사서의 인식비교, Public Library, Multicultural Library Services, The Comparison of Importance Awareness Between Librarians and Multicultural Users, Public Library, Multicultural Library Services, The Comparison of Importance Awareness Between Librarians and Multicultural Users



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science