The main subjects of law school curriculum are composed of subjects based on related laws for law schools. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operation of the legal information subject in law schools and law libraries and to propose efficient operation methods on law information services which would be useful to law schools and law libraries. The results of this study are as follows: 1) 22 law schools have legal information research subjects as an essential or fundamental part of their curricula. Also, 2) in 14 law schools(63.6%) law librarians take part in the instruction of law information research subject, while in three law schools(13.6%) librarians do not participate, and in another three law schools(13.6%) outside experts teach them. Finally, 3) the graduate degrees or final majors of librarians participating in instruction are: Library & Information Science(33.3%), Administration(25%), and Law(25%). These results reflect the need for efforts to change instruction systems to team teaching with professors and law librarians, to give law libraries plenty of administrative support, and to enforce the related associations' roles with law libraries.
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