This study aims to evaluate job satisfaction level of employees working at special libraries by analyzing their affiliated institution and personal backgrounds. Results indicated that the job satisfaction level in private institutions was higher for ‘remuneration’, ‘promotion’, and ‘overall satisfaction’ in comparison to public counterparts. Also, employees working at institutions with independent libraries had higher level of satisfaction for ‘work itself’, ‘remuneration’ and ‘co-workers’ in comparison to those working in non-independent libraries. In terms of employment status, satisfaction level for ‘remuneration’ and ‘promotion’ was high among permanent employees, whereas ‘superior and supervisor’ was relatively higher among temporary employees. In terms of position, supervisors had higher level of satisfaction for ‘remuneration’, ‘job system’, ‘promotion’ and ‘overall satisfaction’ in comparison to non-supervisors. Employees with degrees in library and information science had higher level of satisfaction for ‘work itself’, ‘job system’, ‘promotion’ and ‘institutional environment’ in comparison to non-majors. This study clarified desires and emotions of employees working at special libraries and eliminated obstacles to higher job satisfaction. These findings may have implications for the improvement of work efficiency in libraries.
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