This study tries to develop the so-called LCSI (Library Customer Satisfaction Index) Lite for public library which can be used easily in the fields as a simplified model. Its conceptual model is developed from the former research about library service quality and customer satisfaction. Based on the analyses on the twenty Delphi-type AHP questionnaires both from the library researchers and from the public library practitioners, and on the analysis and testing of the structural equation model using the data from the more than 800 user questionnaires, it suggests a model which consists of total 15 items - namely 8 items for service quality (2 for personnel, 4 for library resources and services, 2 for facilities and environment), 3 items for customer satisfaction, and 2 items for loyalty. Library Satisfaction Index for public library will be calculated by the sum total of service quality (50%), customer satisfaction (40%), and loyalty (10%).
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