This research evaluates the accessibility of the mobile applications for the South Korean libraries based on the accessibility guideline from the Ministry of Security and Public Administration. In order to enhance the credibility of the evaluation, this current research covers both the accessibility for the visually impaired and the accessibility for the people without disabilities. The research found four main results. First, we found that only 21 libraries (31%) provide alternative texts. Out of the 21 libraries, only one provide alternative texts across all sections of the mobile applications, including the main page, data search, information assistance, etc. Second, most of the mobile applications provide contents in texts, and the subtitles, sign language, blinking and background music provided as required or recommended standard by the guideline lack correlation. Third, alternative texts, focus movement, accessibility of operating system, button motion control, spacing between control and alarm functions must follow the standard guideline for the people with disabilities to use the mobile applications. Fourth, follow-up research on the development of accessibility standard for library mobile application is necessary in order to enable people with disabilities to freely use the library mobile applications.
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