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A Content Analysis of Picture Book Reviews in Korean Periodicals

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.2, pp.331-352


In this study, the picture book reviews shown in Korean periodicals were analyzed to provide the developmental foundation for picture book reviews and expand the professional area of librarians as the producers of book review. Through the literature research and the Delphi Technique the desirable standard of book reviews was suggested, the contents in domestic book review mediums were analyzed for the rightness of describing based on the standard of the book review and henceforward the way of development was suggested. The result from analysis of book review showed that the outstanding book reviews should be more produced based on the desirable standard of book review and the evaluative statements should be developed more than the descriptive statements. Depending on the mediums the contents of the book review were different by the book reviewers’ occupations, so the book reviewers should develop their professional knowledges in literature and art. Because the longer book review made the outstanding book review with the rightness of the desirable standard of book review, the certain quantity of book review should be needed and the role of librarians as the book reviewers should be further extended.

Review Criteria, Children’s Book Review, Fiction Picture Book, Non-fiction Picture Book, Content of Book Review, 서평기준, 어린이 도서 서평, 픽션 그림책, 논픽션 그림책, 서평의 내용



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science