Dyslexia is an obstacle for reading that should be found and treated in the early stage. Although dyslexia is not a common symptom appeared many people, they are alienated group which the government should pay attention and support. Yet the government of the Republic of Korea has low awareness and interests on dyslexia. This study aims to survey on measuring the awareness of parents, elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, and school librarians, who should sensitively distinguish dyslexia among children in its full-swing time, and to find their perception gaps. In order to gain result, this study conducted questionnaire survey targeting parents, elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, and school librarians resided in metropolis, small and medium sized cities, and farming and fishing village, with the total number of 623 people, and analyzed their answers using SPSS 20.0 program. The research shows that awareness on dyslexia depends on their jobs, residence, gender, knowledge on dyslexia, and experience in encountering a person in dyslexia.
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