The purpose of this study is to see if reading guidances using the happy point books are effective. In this study, reading guidances were carried out to the 6th grade students of J Elementary School who have Enneagram Personality type 2. Books were selected as a source of reading guidance. These are self-growth theme books preferred by Enneagram Personality Type 4 students, a happy point of Enneagram Personality Type 2 students and books containing psychological functions of Enneagram Personality Type 4 students. A reading guidance was conducted in 14 sessions over a period of 5 weeks. Pre and post test using a measurement tool was implemented to measure the effectiveness of reading guidance in terms of emotional intelligence and self-esteem. And, written observation record cards and learning logs of the attendants were also made. As a result, the emotional intelligence and self-esteem of attendants appeared to be improved, and they are satisfied with reading guidance of applying to happy point books.
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