The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of Korean public libraries based on the national representative sample using Vakkari and Serola’s (2012) public library outcome scale. Conducting a web-based survey to 1,000 Korean adults nationwide, the responses of 629 respondents who had visited the public library in the past year were analyzed. Results showed that, among the 19 benefit areas, “reading fiction and non-fiction” was the most perceived benefit area followed by “acquiring educational opportunities”, and “self-development during leisure time”. The benefits were considerably lowly perceived in the rest 16 areas. Different from the original four-factor structure, “reading/self development” were emerged as a new factor in this Korean sample. The benefits were perceived differently by citizens with different socio-demographic backgrounds. Results informed the current status of the public library performance and values perceived by the general Korean adults population across the nation.
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