This study aims to define the user experience and to evaluate the usability toward electronic publication for education and research. As research methods, After total 20 people of 10 undergraduate students and 10 graduate students were randomly selected as the subjects, the research was conducted by using the in-depth interview and the e-book reader experimental method. As the results of analysis about subjective preferences in case of using academic resources, The subject relevance and understandability were responded as most important factors for selecting academic resources. And the most frequent purposes for using academic resources were to perform an assignment and to write an article. As the results of analysis about the user experience for using the print media and electronic media, the user experience of the print media is more positive than the electronic media and especially these results were caused by academic situation. Many subjects responded that the electronic media is more inconvenient in case of using academic resources. As a result of the e-book reader usability test, the hardware test score (3.47) is higher than the software test score (3.31).
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