This study, based on the need for department of LIS education program that targets training of subject-special librarian, focuses on proving that such education can improve perception of subject-special librarian and strengthen career decision-making. This study is composed of two parts. First, this study investigates case studies about subject-special librarian cultivation. Second, this study includes a survey about subject-special librarian, improving understanding about subject-special librarian, and improving career decision-making which was carried out targeting students who take ‘Medical Terms and MeSH’, and ‘Health & Medical Information Sources’ courses. Results are as follows. First, most of the respondents felt the need for medical librarian and medical information services (88.7%), understood the role of medical librarian (92.5%), got to know more about the types and functions of medical information services (100%), and came to be more aware of the self-esteem a medical librarian feels as a professional. Second, relatively, the percentage of respondents who demonstrated the willingness to work at a medical library (45.3%) or work in the field of medical information services (26.4%) was noticeably low. Third, there were no statistical difference in whether the students took related courses or not, number of courses they took and difference in their school year, and in regard of the level of understanding of medical librarian and medical information services, those who took courses demonstrated higher understanding than did those who did not take those courses. Also, those who took the courses showed stronger willingness to work as a medical librarian. Fourthly, the curriculum carried out by the department of library and information service was effective in understanding medical librarian and medical information services, but makes students more cautious about deciding whether or not to start their career at a medical library. Lastly, it was recommended that there is a need to have the curriculum updated in order to help students overcome the difficulty and unfamiliarity they feel about medical subject.
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