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An Analysis of the Public Librarians’ Self Images using Semantic Differential Method

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2016, v.50 no.3, pp.53-69


The purpose of this study is to measure self images of public librarians who should increasingly take charge of services for children and young people through the semantic differential method and analyze its’general characteristics. According to the results of analysis public librarians have been satisfied with their works and believed that they are kind, fair and gentle. One the other hand, they have had negative self images such as no influence, neglect, poor and stuffiness. Therefore, the result show that public librarians consider their ability, quality and activity as positive images, but they have felt lack of the social consensus and affirmative evaluation of their role. So, we can see building a good physical environment and running great programs to create access of children and young people to the public libraries, demonstrating leadership among senior librarians are so important in order to beat the stereotype and improve their positive self images of their evaluation and role. It is also necessary to promote the new value and role of public libraries and librarianship and to enable retraining for cultivating their qualities as a teacher.

공공도서관 사서, 사서의 자아상, 자아상, 사서 이미지, 의미 변별법, Public Librarian, Librarians’ Self Images, Self Images, Librarians’ Images, Semantic Differential Method



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science