The purpose of this study was to assess the economic value of the National Assembly Library service utility, and to enhance the users’ perception and the stakeholder’s supports for the library services. For those purposes, this study applied the measurement methods of time value, replacement service value, and WTP of the three user groups: inside members, outside users, and institutional members of the Library. The replacement service value as annual time valuation was measured 1,948.2 million won by inside members, and 417.057.5 million won by outside users, that was approximately 10 times of the total budget of the year 2015. Also, WTP were measured as 8,528.3 million won by inside member, 33,272.4 million won by outside users, 924 million won by institutional members. This shows 77% of the use value were from outside users. The BC ratio was 1:1.04 in 2015.
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