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A Discourse Analysis to Public Library Ecosystem in Korea

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2017, v.51 no.1, pp.5-27


The goal of this study is to suggest various improvements and expanding strategies of the public library ecosystem. For this goal, researcher reviewed and analyzed the realistic landscapes and social recognitions about the public library ecosystem as local public goods, and discoursed the basic principles and structural terrain of public library ecosystem based on natural ecosystem. As a result, researcher proposed multifaceted alternatives (ensure library’s identity and publicity applying Law of Karma, strengthen librarian’s professionalism on the premise of overcoming the Minerva’s syndrome, optimize the library service and collection management based on the Pareto principle, reduce reading room and differentiated program through resolution of Halo effect, eliminate usage bias by life cycle based on the Gauss distribution, acceptance of the digital paradigm and use-friendly spatialization that ruminates the Icarus paradox, incorporate small library into public library system through a clear understanding of the Gresham’s law, and enforce communication and spread social and cultural value through the practice of the Pompeii paradox).

자연생태계, 도서관 생태계, 공공도서관 생태계, SWOT 분석, 담론적 분석, Ecosystem, Library Ecosystem, Public Library Ecosystem, SWOT Analysis, Discourse Analysis



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science