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A Study on the Factors Influencing Job Information Sharing among Junior College Students

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2017, v.51 no.4, pp.53-75


In this study, a survey was conducted with 385 students in a junior college, where jobs and field education are emphasized, to identify the factors affecting job information sharing. The structural equation modeling was adopted to analyze the collected data. The most influential factor to the sharing was cultural factor, which was affected by the organizational culture promoting job information sharing, the leadership of top manager, and the appropriate compensation system. The results from this study can be used as important basic data for activating job information sharing among junior college students.

지식공유, 취업정보, 대학생, Knowledge Sharing, Job and Employment Information, College Students



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science