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A Study on the Recognition and Needs Analysis of Community Residents to Reuse Closed Schools as Library

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2019, v.53 no.2, pp.91-116


This study conducted a demand analysis for the operation and management of closed schools, the direction of future use of closed schools, and the utilization of closed schools, among local residents expected to play a key role in the successful use of closed libraries. According to the study, residents in areas where schools actually occur may actively consider the use of closed schools when they are lacking in the number of libraries in the region or when they hope to remodel their schools as libraries, given that they are positive about future use of closed schools and that remodeling them is more economical in terms of cost than building new libraries. The current awareness of the use and operation of closed schools remains at a normal level, so it is deemed necessary to improve the direction of the promotion, operation and recycling of closed schools in the order of promotion, operation and physical aspects by grouping obstacles to the operation and management of closed schools. In addition, the current status of cultural facilities and the demands of local residents are met in terms of the types of use of closed school facilities, and it means that closed schools can be used in a relatively easy-to-access location based on their location, while libraries can be used as a space for cultural facilities that are different from the existing public libraries, exhibition halls, and eco-friendly libraries.

Library and Closed School, Needs Analysis of Community Residents, Reusing, Reuse Closed Schools as Library, 도서관, 폐교, 폐교 발생 지역, 지역 주민 요구, 폐교 활용, 도서관의 폐교 활용



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science