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The Role of Public Libraries as a Mediator between Social Capital and Sharing Economy

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2019, v.53 no.3, pp.121-141


This research analyzed the characteristics of social capital and sharing economy, which are the new paradigm in the development of the entire society. In addition, it identified the social roles of a public library as a mediator that promotes the social benefit by conducting a survey questionnaire. As the results of the analysis through correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis, social capital and sharing economy are the co-related societal phenomenon, and public libraries positively effect on the construction of social capital and the participation in sharing economy. From the perspective of the roles of a public library as a mediator between social capital and sharing economy, it was identified that various programs provided by public libraries positively effect on mediating social capital and sharing economy.

사회자본, 공유경제, 공공도서관, 휴먼 네트워크, Social Capital, Sharing Economy, Public Library, Human Network



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science