Recently there has been a growing interest in digital preservation and digital curation with rapid increase of digital resource. This study aims to investigate the research topics and the course topics related digital preservation and digital curation. The course information is collected from the curricular of library and information science departments and archival science departments in leading countries such as US, England, Ireland, Canada and New Zealand. Title keyword profiling and network analysis were adapted to discover core research and education areas. The key topics in the abstracts of research papers and the contents of the course were also illustrated by these methods. In the research analysis, archival system is the biggest area of researches related digital preservation and digital curation. Courser analysis shows digital curation education and process is the important area of education. As a result of content analysis, plan and strategy is a notable topic of research and record management process is a major topic of courses for digital preservation and digital curation. In addition, format of digital resource is an important topic for research and courses.
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