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An Analysis of Teacher Librarians’ Role Recognition

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2019, v.53 no.4, pp.5-22


The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that hinder the role recognition and role performance of teacher librarians and suggest some improvement methods. For this purpose, a questionnaire was conducted among 41 persons who participated in the first-level qualification training for teachers librarians at K University Secondary Teacher Training Institute in 2019.The results showed that there was a difference between the expected role and the execution role of the teacher librarians. In other words, teacher librarians recognize that they should teach information literacy as instructors and operate library-based instruction and cooperative classes as teaching partners. However, the most frequently played roles are reading education and library use education. They recognizes the cause as institutional limitations, such as the absence of a national level curriculum and the ambiguity of the role of specialists in school libraries. And it is perceived as a real problem such as the lack of partnership and recognition of their peers. Among the variables of teacher librarians, the higher their educational level, the more they perceived their peers as teachers. Based on this, some suggestions for strengthening the role of the teacher librarians’ instructor and teaching partner were proposed in terms of including cross-curricular subjects of information literacy education, analyzing jobs and establishing scholarship system for school libraries.

사서 교사, 역할 인식, 학교도서관, 정보활용교육, 도서관활용수업, 협동수업, Teacher Librarians, Role Recognition, School Libraries, Information Literacy Instruction, School Library-based Instruction, Collaborative Instruction



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science