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The Influence Factors on the Numbers of Visitors and Reference Room Users of Public Libraries: Based on the National Libraries Statistical Data 2018

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2020, v.54 no.2, pp.105-125


This study attempts to identify the influence factors on the numbers of visitors and reference room users of public libraries through log-log multiple regression models, using the Korean National Libraries Statistical Data 2018. The fact found is summarized as follows; Even though books collection and seating capacities might be the most important factors in attraction of visitors and reference room users to public libraries in the past when the storage and propagation of knowledge and information was the top function of public libraries, very various and compound factors such as cultural or lifetime education programs, library operation, and user activities have an effect on inducing people to visit and use public libraries at present. This means that these days, public libraries are being transformed into some kinds of comprehensive cultural center where software elements such as cultural programs, user education, events, budget, membership, opening days, building style and age, and group activities rather than hardware elements such as books, literature material, and facilities constitute their essential parts in connection with visitor and user induction.

도서관 방문자, 자료실 이용자, 공공도서관, 영향요인, 중회귀분석, Library Visitor, Reference Room User, Public Library, Influence Factor, Multiple Regression

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science