ISSN : 1225-598X
As altmetrics has received a lot of attention as an muti-dimensional impact assessment tool, it is necessary to verify whether it can supplement the citation-based research performance evaluation system. This study analyzed and compared the effects of each altmetrics sources on citation by sampling 1,600 high-cited papers published in the last 10 years (Sample A) and non-year-limited papers (Sample B) indexed in Scopus. In addition, it was analyzed whether the OA of the paper had a moderating effect on the numbers of cited-by, and the difference according to the samples was verified. As a result of the analysis, only the number of Mendeley bookmark readers was analyzed to have a positive (+) effect on the numbers of cited-by, and OA status had a significant moderating effect in both groups. However, in sample A, OA showed a reinforcing effect on cited-by, whereas Sample B showed a weakening effect, showing a difference. On the other hand, social mention such as media reports do not have a significant effect on the cited-by regardless of OA conditions, but they can be used to understand the social impact of non-academic mass readers.