open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship of organizational commitment with occupational stress, personal strain, and stress coping ability. The number of subjects of the study were 469 male and female workers selected from five diverse manufacturing industries including two service company. The study investigated the relationship between occupational stress, personal strain, and stress coping ability. The results indicated that occupational stress had significant correlations with personal strain and stress coping ability. Also employees with high occupational stress showed more commitments to their organization. Multiple regression analysis were conducted with the organizational commitmment as dependent variable and occupational stress, organizational climates as the predictor variables. The results showed that the role boundary, role insufficiency, organizational climates, responsibility variables were significant predictors of organizational commitmment. The study hypothesized that personal strain gives influences on stress coping ability and that organizational commitment intervene between personal strain and stress coping ability. The study obtained an interesting finding that the correlation between personal strain and stress coping ability had significantly different pattern according to the degree of organizational commitmment. The personal strain had significant correlations with stress coping ability in the group that the degree of organizational commitmment was high. However, The correlation between two variables was not significant in the group that the degree of organizational commitmment was low.