open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The main objective of this study was to verify the hypothesized causal relationship between organizational support factors for customer encounter pmployees and their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and service performance. Four organizational support factors are other department, team, supervisor, and technological support. In total, 562 female employees of three finance companies participated in the survey. 313 cases were used in initial model building and 249 cases were used in the cross-validation. To identify the causal relation model which contained four exogenous organizational supporty factors and three endogenous factors(job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and service performance), covariance structure analyses were repeatedly conducted. The results of the initial covariance structure modeling and cross-validation analysis revealed that the proposed hypothetical model was well-fitted to the data. The Implications, some possible lomits and the future directions of the present study were disscussed.