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Vol.14 No.2

The Validity of Mobley's Model of Employee Turnover and Its Variants
Dong-Gun Park(Korea University) ; Se-Geol Yeom(Korea University) pp.1-22

Research on turnover has been made extensively as organizations are significantly influenced by employee turnover. There are few studies on testing and developing a model of employee turnover using actual data in Korea. The purpose of this study was to test and revise existing turnover models using real data. It was found that among the turnover models so far proposed, the Mobley's model of employee turnover(1978) was a concise one, incorporating the core process variables relevant to turnover. The model has been researched more intensively than any other turnover model. The present study, therefore, compared and tested the Mobley's early model and its variants with the response data of saleswomen from one of the largest Korean life insurance companies. The total sample was divided into an initial testing sub-sample and a cross-validation sub-samples. The results of AMOS analyses show that the existing models tested were not supported by several overall indices of model-data fit. The new model was proposed and supported by the data from the cross-validation sub-sample.

The Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Turnover Behavior of R & D Professionals
Jae-Yoon Chang(Department of Industrial Psychology, Sunmoon University) pp.23-42

This study explores the effect of personality characteristics on the turnover behavior of R & D professionals. The 132 PhDs employed at one of the largest electronics company in Korea between 1993 and 1996 were surveyed during the orientation program. The measured variables were age, prior work experience, and career orientations(cosmopolitan and local), which were used as control variables. At the same time, their personality characteristics were measured with 16PF test. The employment status data of each respondents as of December 2000 were collected form employee personnel records. About two thirds of them were voluntarily left the organization. To estimate the relationship between predictors and turnover behavior, we used the hierarchical logistic regression technique. Results indicated that turnover behavior was significantly influenced by age, career orientation and I factor(tough mindedness-tender mindedness) among 16 personality factors. Implications of these results for the high-tech R & D personnel management, and directions for future research are discussed.

The Identification and Measurement of Pygmalion Leadership Behaviors in Work Organizations
In-Sue Oh(LG-Caltex Oil Corporation) ; Yong-Won Suh(Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.43-71

The managerial application of Pygmalion effect in work organizations were investigated. Most prior studies investigated the relationship between a supervisor's expectation of a subordinate and the resulting performance or job-related attitude measures after manipulating the supervisor's expectation through false feedback on a subordinate's potential. However, there are many supervisory expectations naturally cxcurred through their subordinates' entry-level and past records, which are believed to be stronger than the induced expectation. Expectation is an internal belief, and a supervisor's expectation-communication behaviors(called Pygmalion leadership behaviors: PLBs for this study) has a more significant and direct effect on a subordinate than expectation itself. In this study, supervisor's PLBs to high-expectancy subordinates were collected and measured from 165 employees working with large companies in Korea. As the result of a factor-analysis on PLBs, we got four factors such as ① inspiring confidence, ② warm treatment, ③ private interaction, and ④ entrusting. The relationship between a supervisor's PLBs of his subordinates and the resulting performance and job-related attitude measures of the subordinates was also investigated. The results revealed that the effort-related factors such as inspiring confidence and entrusting had more important influences on subordinates' performance and other job-related attitude measures than the affect-related factors such as warm treatment and private interaction. From this study, we can have a useful implication on developing leadership training program. If a supervisor wants to be a Pygmalion, he must pay attention to inspiring his subordinates' confidence and assigning more challenging work to them.

Differences of Permanent and Temporal Employee in Organizational Commitment and Job Attitude
Byunghwa Yang(Chung-Ang University) ; Hea-youn Hwang(Chung-Ang University) ; Shezeen Oah(Chung-Ang University) ; Jai-il Lee(Chung-Ang University) pp.73-93

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in job satisfaction and organizational commitment between permanent and temporary employees. In addition, the differences in organizational climate and life perceived by those two groups of employees were also examined. For this study, 145 permanent and 128 temporary employees who work in various kinds of organizations were asked to respond the questionnaires measuring the relevant concepts. The results indicated that the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the temporary employees were significantly higher than those of the permanent employees. However, the overall organizational climate and life perceived by the two groups of employees were not significantly different, although some of the relevant subfactors were significantly different. The results also indicated that, with respect to organizational commitment and job satisfaction, the interaction effect between employment status(permanent vs. temporary) and the kinds of jobs(administration, research/planing, sales/PR) within the organization existed. Based on these results, several practical strategies and suggestions in order to make temporary employees cope and work more efficiently in the organizations.

Relationships between Organizational Support Factors and Customer Encounter Employees' Service Performance
Won-seob Kwak(Hoseo University) ; Jong-Goo Lee(Taegu University) pp.95-114

The main objective of this study was to verify the hypothesized causal relationship between organizational support factors for customer encounter pmployees and their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and service performance. Four organizational support factors are other department, team, supervisor, and technological support. In total, 562 female employees of three finance companies participated in the survey. 313 cases were used in initial model building and 249 cases were used in the cross-validation. To identify the causal relation model which contained four exogenous organizational supporty factors and three endogenous factors(job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and service performance), covariance structure analyses were repeatedly conducted. The results of the initial covariance structure modeling and cross-validation analysis revealed that the proposed hypothetical model was well-fitted to the data. The Implications, some possible lomits and the future directions of the present study were disscussed.

Predictability of Big-Five personality model to performance in a variety of settings and its limitation: A meta-analysis
Tae-Yong Yoo(Kwangwoon University) ; Byung-Mo Min(PSI Consulting) pp.115-134

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the Big 5 personality factors(Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to experience) and a variety of performance criteria in a variety of settings using a meta-analysis. The results of 15 validity coefficients from 10 single studies were summarized by Hunter and Schmidt(1990)'s meta-analytic procedure. Results indicated that Extraversion, Emotional Stability, and Conscientiousness were valid predictors across criteria in a variety of settings. Agreeableness and Openness to experience were not valid predictors because validity coefficients were nearly zero. These findings were consistent with three previous meta-analytic studies conducted in the United States(Barrick & Mount, 1991; Hurtz & Donovan, 2000) and the European community(Salgado, 1997). Based on these results, the usability of the Big-Five personality model for the purpose of predicting performance in a variety of settings, the limitations of this study, and the future research tasks were discussed.
