ISSN : 1229-0696
This study investigated how the experience of victimization caused by inmates' violence might affect correctional officers' mental health problems including PTSD and burnout experience. The analysis results from 420 correctional officers presented that officers responsible for security of prison cells reported serious degree of maladaptation in burnout experience and post-traumatic stress disorder. Principal factor analysis of items to measure officers' victimization by inmates saturated a three-factor model to have the best fit. Three factors were psychological withdrawal, victimization by physical violence, and small disputes between inmates and officers. Additionally, 240 officers were classified based on the experience of being victimized by inmates' physical abuse. The indices of chronic burnout and job-satisfaction were turned out to be much more maladjusted among officers abused by inmates physically. Furthermore, structural equation modeling were applied to explore the relationship among latent variables: physical abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and burnout experience. It was found that victimization by inmates' physical violence made a causal effect on post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder produced chronic burnout experience. This relationship confirmed that there might be a causal effect of being physically abused by inmates on correctional officers' mental health problem such as post-traumatic stress disorder.
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